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THE landowner wanting to develop a 240ha business park along Moreton Park Rd in Menangle has called on the community to get involved in the process instead of flatly rejecting the proposal.

Landowner and business-man Ernest Dupere, of Menangle Pastoral, likened his proposal to the Norwest Business Park near Castle Hill or the new Macquarie Park in northern Sydney.

Mr Dupere said the development would include large areas for recreation and parks, provide much-needed local employment, and improve access to vast areas of the Nepean River.

But residents have again voiced their opposition, handing a poll to Wollondilly Council last month with 442 signatures.

“All we’re trying to do is undertake an investigation, and out of that comes some suggestions which would form the application,” Mr Dupere said.

“The outcome would be we would dedicate a large part of land for public recreation. If we plan it properly we can enhance the amenity of the area. The inter-modal rail track is not planned as part of this project. It’s more a technological/research business park. We’ve invited the community to comment and we’re trying to work with them.”

He said a small group of residents had a general “philosophical objection to change” in Menangle rather than an informed opinion.

Proposed land uses include offices, light industry, warehousing and logistics and wholesale/trade retail.

Wollondilly Mayor Col Mitchell said 70 per cent of residents travel outside the shire for work daily.

“For 12 years I’ve been trying to get employment-generating land in Wollondilly,” he said. “We’ll listen to the people on this. I would be opposed to residential but not to industrial (development).”


Journeys in Time 1809-1822

The Journals of Lachlan & Elisabeth Macquarie

Cowpastures (Camden, NSW)
Name first used by Governor John Hunter in 1795 to describe the Camden region, south-west of Sydney. The name reflected the place-name usage in England to describe the common grazing land near a village. To the northwards the ‘Cowpastures’ was ill-defined (beyond Narellan) and to the south its limit was Stonequarry Creek. The Aborigines called the place ‘Baragil’, or ‘Baragal’.

Cowpastures Road (NSW)
Opened as a track from the settlement of Prospect Hill to the Cowpastures in 1806.


Journeys in Time 1809-1822

The Journals of Lachlan & Elisabeth Macquarie

Manangle (NSW)
A 2,000 acre farm on the banks of the Nepean granted to Walter Davidson by Governor King on 18 December 1805. Originally called ‘Belmont’ the land had a river frontage onto the Nepean River and was straddled on either side by two grants to John Macarthur known as Upper Camden, and Lower Camden (totalling 5000 acres).[Macarthur had been permitted to take his land grant in two parts to maximise his access to the river]. The combined effect was that the land grants to Davidson and Macarthur extended along the left bank (western side) of the Nepean for a distance of more than 8 miles (12 kilometres). When Davidson returned to England in March 1809, Macarthur had the free use of his friend’s grant.

The Aboriginal name ‘Menangle’ (or ‘Manangle’) came from the pond which stood on Davidson’s land. [Similarly ‘Carabeely’ was the name of the pond on Macarthur’s Upper Camden grant, while ‘Belgenny’ or ‘Belkennie’ the pond on the Lower Camden grant].


Journeys in Time 1809-1822

Extract from The Journals of Lachlan & Elizabeth Macquarie

Friday 16th. Novr. 1810 ! —
At 6 o’clock this morning Mrs. Macquarie and myself set out in the Carriage from Parramatta for the Cow-Pastures. continue reading…


1871 Menangle Public School

  • Camden Park Estate made application for a school in 1849, and a church school was established. The locality was initially known as Riversford, which later changed to Menangle. Pressure for a public school culminated in 1869-71 when a public school was opened, with an enrolment of 43 pupils. New school buildings were erected in 1906.
  • Land was donated “for the education of the children of Menangle” by Sir William Macarthur.
  • Building was completed in 1871, and the school opened with 43 pupils.
  • A residence was added before repairs in 1876.
  • The first school building was sold by auction along with the fence on 7th January 1876
  • A two room weather shed was added in 1878.
  • In 1891 during Arbour Day, money was raised for a library
  • Church services were initially held in the old school from 28th May, 1871.
  • From 1892, 52 shade trees and 20 citrus trees were planted.
  • 1906 Half an acre was given by the Macarthur family for a new residence on the western side and the school building and residents were replaced.
  • 1915 used as sleeping quarters for NCO’s being trained locally in WW1, The Great War.
  • 1922 a tennis court and 45 foot flagpole was added in the playground as were veggie plots.
  • 1928 was voted the school with the best garden within 50 miles of Sydney, with 54 pupils.
  • 1937 a replacement weather shed built
  • 1960 two additional acres were obtained from Camden Park Estate.
  • 1960 Major painting and a brick toilet block and new flagpole erected.
  • 1960 New residence in single brick was built.
  • 100 years of schooling was celebrated in May, 1971.

April 24, 2010

Wollondilly Shire Council,

PO Box 21,

Picton. NSW 2571.


Dear Sir,


Please find attached the poll sheets from the recent poll, seeking resident’s opinions about the rezoning proposal on Moreton Park Road, Menangle.

Poll Description

  1. All homes on the following streets were delivered Council’s letter and an attached poll sheet, copy enclosed:

    Moreton Park Road, Prices Road, Station Street, Riversford Close, Haines Place, St James Av., Woodbridge Road, Finns Road, Dawson’s Road, Carols Road, Hawkey Road, Quirks Lane, Cummins Road, and Menangle Road from the Nepean River to the end of Spaniards Hill number 655. Houses owned by the proponents or their family were not approached.

  2. The poll sheets were then collected by the pollsters as per the attached instructions and crewing over the following week.
  3. The results were analysed by Maurice Blackwood and checked by Nonie Betts.

Poll Results.

  1. 239 homes responded.
  2. 466 people responded.
  3. 442 are against the rezoning, 9 support it and 15 declined an opinion.
  4. Comments included: maintain protest against the rezoning; “Rural Living only”; inappropriate rezoning; protect the river; green space; keep Rural Residential; protect the historic rural area, and offensive proposal.

The Menangle Community Association and the Menangle Action Group commend these results to Council and its Staff for consideration and both groups would like to address Council at the time this rezoning application is discussed.

Yours faithfully,

Maurice Blackwood                                             
Menangle Community Assoc.                                                    

Kate Terry
Menangle Action Group.



Rotolactor 1974

1952 Rotolactor, “The Rotary Milking Machine”

  • In 1980 was declared a National Tourist attraction by the Macarthur District Gazette
  • It was the second of this design and size in the world.
  • Made from brick and stainless steel it had walls of glass letting in natural night by day and lights for night milking.
  • It was 24 metres in diameter and was capable of milking 2500 cows twice a day.
  • Each cow was milked in about 7 minutes.
  • They entered and left at the same point and as they travelled around being milked, they ate.
  • It required a small staff of nine to operate milking 300 cows per hour.
  • It was an icon in Australia and significant in that it shows the scale and development of dairying in Menangle.
  • Tourists and school children visited weekdays and weekends to experience the “special milk” and see the state of the art milking process and production.
  • Registered Trade Marks were ‘Camden Vale’, ‘Cowpasture’, ‘Laurel’, and ‘Milk with the golden cap’, that were used to name produce from the Dairy, Agriculture and Orchard producer, Camden Park Estate Company.
  • BHP state “It (The Menangle Area) provides the opportunity to interpret the history of dairy farming and production in the region for a period encompassing 150 years of development.
  • The Rotolactor operated until 1983.



Prepared for Wollondilly Shire Council 26th February 2010


Architects, Heritage Consultants, Urban Designers

Statement of Heritage Impact for demolition of the Menangle School of Arts Hall, which is not a listed item by Wollondilly Shire Council, however is assessed by the study steam as having local significance. It is not included in Council’s LEP and is not within a conservation area.

This report forms part of a Development Application to Council for demolition and removal of the Menangle School of Arts hall. continue reading…



Consulting Civil & Structural Engineers

2/67 Menanqle St Picton NSW 2571
ph 02 4637 0441 fax 02 4677 0442

23 June 2004 Ref: 2004-041

Mr Royce White


Wollondilly Shire Council

Dear Royce

Re; School of Arts Building at Menangle. Inspection for Adequacy.

I went yesterday with Paul Fairweather to inspect the subject building.

From discussion, with Paul I understand that Council is considering the future of this hall and has a number of options available to it. Council is concerned with safety issues if it continues being used but still requires a venue until a decision is made on upgrading or either replacement or alternative facility, I have therefore considered below only the minimum repairs that would be necessary for continuing use of the building. In some areas further works may be required once access is possible to restricted areas.
continue reading…